
Exhaust repair and installation from Riverside Autos in Gwersyllt.

Riverside Autos is able to supply and fit a wide range of exhausts using the very latest equipment. We are able to cater for all kinds of exhausts whether you want something that is high performance or budget.

At Riverside we stock a wide range of exhausts for cars and light commercial vehicles so when your exhaust fails we can provide a quick solution. An appointment isn’t necessary, simply bring your vehicle to us and we’l discuss a solution with you.

The dangers to having a bad exhaust system

A bad exhaust can lead to exhaust fumes being drawn into the vehicle and long exposure to the fumes can lead to the driver feeling drowsy, which could lead to further danger. A healthy exhaust system is important to maintain the health of the vehicle occupants.

A healthy exhaust system will also be more fuel efficient. If you have any concerns regarding the health of your vehicles exhaust system then please call either of our branches or drop us an email from the contact page.